Sunday, March 8, 2015

My Vlog!

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my vlog! The password is: hebrewwithhaste

Hebrew Genius Hour from Jason Smith on Vimeo.


  1. What a thoughtful post! I have never considered that you might be able to read Hebrew, without being fluent. I guess I can understand that - I could read a sentence of German out loud without actually understanding any of it. Kudos to you for deciding to continue your project after we finish in class :)

    1. Thanks Jess! I'm glad you enjoyed that. Drawing comparisons between French, English, and Hebrew has really helped me learn this language, because it has given me a new perspective on things.

  2. Jason, your project is really interesting!! I think the thing that makes it the most interesting is the fact that you are so excited to learn Hebrew and have a ton of reasons to do it. You seem very motivated, which is very important. I am looking forward to your TED talk and to see what more you can find out about your family with this knowledge.

    1. Thanks Laura! I have definitely found that my enjoyment of learning the language has allowed me to complete this assignment to the best of my ability.As for my family, it might take me a little longer than I previously thought to translate the documents. They are written in Cursive Hebrew, while I am learning Regular Hebrew. Once (if) I become fluent, I will take the time to learn each letter's cursive equivalent.

  3. Jason!! I never realized that you could be able to read Hebrew but not understand what it means, that could be something to mention in your Ted Talk! I love how you are taking this project beyond the Ted Talk, and how you are so motivated! It's crazy to think that (including improving your English), you're learning (or will be as of next year) 4 languages! That's so crazy! That could be another topic of discussion for your Ted Talk, or at least something to mention and be proud of!

    1. Thank you Toni for such a nice comment! Yes, I love learning languages a lot, because I think that they are very important in understanding other cultures. That's one of the themes of my TED Talk, and I talk about it a lot. I wasn't planning on mentioning how many languages I would be learning next year, but now I will definitely consider finding a place for it somewhere!

  4. What you're doing here is pretty cool! I think that the fact that you'll be doing this after the TED Talk also gives you something to talk about there; not only can you talk about what you've learned so far and where you plan on applying it, but you could also talk about how this has really inspired you to take it a step further and learn as much as you can.
    It'd be interesting to see your progress as you continue. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Kenny! That would definitely be a great idea for something I could mention in my TED Talk. I will have to go back and fit it in there somewhere. I think, in this aspect, I was very lucky, because while other people found doing their Genius Hour Project to be homework, I managed to place it under the category of, "Cool things to do." That made learning the language so much more interesting and fun!

  5. This video gave a lot of great information on your project! I thought all your inspirations and motivations are really interesting! I am really looking forward to see all you learn!

    1. Thanks Madi! I am definitely looking forward to sharing the lessons I've learned with the block. My inspirations and motivations are definitely why I've enjoyed this project as much as I did, so I am very glad that I chose it!
